Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A little bit about ME

Thank you for visiting my new blog, I am so excited to share my new adventure with you. I hope you enjoy browsing.

About me: I am very blessed to have a wonderful husband of 32 years who works very hard to make it possible for me to have been a stay at home mom for the last 29. He is a great encouragement and one of my biggest cheerleaders.We have 4 children-- 2 daughters, 2 sons. Our oldest 2 are married and we have 3 grandchildren. My nickname, Mama-P, came from our children's friends as they were growing up. Our daughters are "bookends," I lovingly call our 1st born chickie and our youngest then became little chick. I learned to sew in high school---more frustration than enjoyable. Then picked it back up when I got married so I could do some decorating in our home. In 1980 our 1st daughter was born, I've been hooked ever since. It's very enjoyable for me and rewarding to have a chance to create. It's my " thearpy." I've been sewing in my home with friends for about 18 years.

I also love to read and am involved in a women's bible study, but what I love most is spending time with our children and grandchildren.


  1. wow... that daughter with the three kids, she is beautiful and those kids, wow they are amazing :) just kidding. love you mom. proud of you.

  2. What a great family picture!!!! So glad that you set up this blog to showcase your masterpieces!
