Friday morning we both wanted to sleep in but neither of us could. I guess we were both to excited. We spent the morning setting up the house for the sale. Everything looked really good together and filled up the house.
the set up
I had little gift baskets made up with a childs apron and either kitchen, gardening, or artist goodies. My husband made the dress stands. they showed off the dresses so nicely.
We had hair bows, dresses, gift baskets, aprons, burp cloths, diaper bag tags and few other things. It was a ton of fun. I didnt sell to many of the little girl things, just because not many of the people that came had little girls to buy for. So after the open house we packed everything up into a suit case for Bonnie to bring up to tennessee with her. She has lots of girl friends will young girls. She will have a little show there and try to sell some more dresses. I also have fall and christmas sales lined up at big crafts shows so I am looking forward to that.