Wednesday, August 19, 2009

new for the open house

handmade handbags, very cute-check out the detail on this one

baby burp clothes, one side flannel-other side terrycloth

adjustable belts, most match the handbags.

decrotive rubber gloves to preserve you hands and manicure.

my girlfriend that i have been sewing with every wednesday (for the last 100 years) is joining me at the open house for "lil chicks" these are some of her handmade items.

Friday, August 14, 2009

new additions, BOYS!

i was invited to a baby shower, thought about what to make for a little boy. i found this fabric in my closet and now that i think of it, made brenna a chritsmas dress out of it for her 1st christmas. let me know, should i add this to lil chicks?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

my sewing room?

for now this is where it all takes place. ken and the rest of my family are so patient, allowing me to take over in our eat in kitchen area. (it's better than the dining room which is where i used to be) soon we will be making a big switch-a-roo, and mackenzie will be moving into what is now the guest room and i will be making her room into my sewing room!! that will be so exciting for me. i'm sure all family members will be rejoicing with me.

new way to display

bonnie designed and ken cut the wood and assembled this new dress stand for display!!

some of the incredibly cute hair accessories bonnie put together for me


i am getting ready to launch my little business. i am praying for lots of people to come by and see what i have and so make some money doing what i love. i feel to blessed to have been able to be a stay at home mom for all these years and would really love to be able to contribute some money doing what i love to do. bonnie will be coming into town for the sale. i am so excited to have her here with me as i take this big step. while in tennessee we talked a lot about how to set up the dresses and display them, pricing and all the technical stuff. please join me in prayer as this is a big exciting step for me. if you live in south florida i hope that you come by for a visit. we will have yummy food there too. bring a friend :)

lil chicks model

my sweet grand daughter is the BEST little model if i do say so myself. these are some of the aprons i made while i was in tennessee with bonnie and the kids. bonnie grabbed her camera and took a few pics for me. i think they are precious.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

it's truly a family affair. the week of july 19-25 we were in tennessee with bonnie, dave and the kids. bonnie and i sewed and crafted together, it was a great time. this past weekend we were in tampa with scott and nicole, they are now new homeowners, and have a list of projects as long as thier arm. from tampa mackenzie and i drove to orlando and spent 'til wed with my sister. she and i sewed for lil chicks open house coming up and together we finished 6 dresses. hope to post some new pictures as soon as i get my coach (bonnie) to remind how to do it.